Below documentary was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV1 on 16 Dec 2022. |
SUMMARYOn 12th October 2021, a science journal was published confirming that Malaysia has its own oyster species – a new oyster species that is only found at the estuary of Muar River as well as coastal lines of Kesang and not found anywhere else in the world. This new oyster species was called Crassostrea (Magallana) saidii. Above documentary was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV1 on 16 December 2022. According to Dr Nur Leena Wong who is a researcher from the International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (I-AQUAS), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), the name of this oyster species is Crassostrea (Magallana) saidii. This oyster is named as Crassostrea (Magallana) saidii in recognition of the efforts made by Mr Md Saidi Mohamed who has been actively promoting research and conservation for the sustainability of this oyster since 2013. This name recognises his dedication, commitment, passion, and discovery of the new species. According to Dr Nur Leena Wong, the result of research collaboration between Queen’s University Belfast and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has confirmed the identity of the oyster through a deoxyribonucleic acid test (DNA). Other readings: AstroAWANI(Malay), Greenreport(Italian), 学术(Chinese), SinarHarian(Malay), ITV(English) |
He founded Oyster Reef Enterprise because he realized that the oyster population was at its declining stage. He believed that Oyster Reef Enterprise would facilitate a smooth cooperation with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), with the aim of conserving the species. As the founder of Oyster Reef Enterprise he continued this collaboration to further the research on this new oyster species for future potentials and benefit of Malaysians. Click here for his contribution to UPM. |
1)Oysters have become one of the tourists’ attraction in Tangkak district. This footage was published by Tourism Johor in 2021. |
2)The following coverage was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV1 in 2020:
3)The following coverage was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV3 in 2019:
4)The following coverage was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV9 in 2019.
5)The following coverage was aired by a Malaysian television channel TV9 in 2019.
SCIENCE JOURNAL – Crassostrea (M.) saidiiA science journal about this new oyster species was published on October 12, 2021. This journal says on its page 7, “Named for Md Saidi Bin Mohamed, from Muar, Malaysia, who has been actively promoting research and conservation for the sustainability of this oyster since 2013. This name recognises his dedication, commitment, passion, and discovery of the new species”. Click here for its science journal . |
HOW TRADITIONAL FISHERMEN PICK OYSTERS?The activity of collecting oysters is very unique here because oysters are being collected during low tide by traditional fishermen who dived into the water in small boats. Oysters are being collected from its muddy bottom at a depth of 15 to 20 feet. These fishermen are not wearing swimming equipment such as oxygen gas to collect the oysters, that is why this activity is very unique. Would you like to see them picking oysters? |
HISTORYIt is written in a journal entitle “The Journal Of The Indian Archipelago And Eastern Asia by J.R. Logan (1858) that the River of Kassang was famous of its oysters. It says “The mouth of the river is famous for its oyster beds, the fish being very large and of excellent flavor”. River of Kassang is known as Sungai Kesang. It is located in Tangkak District. We are still lucky to be able to see the oyster population at the estuary of Muar River and coastal lines of Kesang today. Below map showing current oyster population at the estuary of Muar River and coastal lines of Kesang, showing that it is at the brink of extinction |
EXOTIC FOODOne of the dishes available is called Oyster Shooter. Oysters are somewhat irregular in shape and are consumed cooked or raw. For some societies, oysters are regarded as exotic food. It is said that zinc and other contents in oysters are essential for testosterone production and maintenance of healthy sperm. It will also boost dopamine, a hormone that promotes libido in both women and men. |
TASTY OYSTER AND SAFE TO BE CONSUMEDEating an oyster at our restaurant is very nice and its flavor is explosive as it comes straight from the brackish water of Muar River and coastal lines of Kesang. You eat it just moments after it has been plucked and shucked. Fresh oysters from SaidiOysters are very tasty and will pass laboratory tests to ensure that they are safe to be consumed. Please click here to find latest laboratory test reports showing that these oysters are safe to be consumed. It is said that the oysters from these places taste best. It was recorded in a journal that oysters from here were famous and they had been reserved for the Sultan and the officials (R. Hanitsch, 1908). One of the dishes available at our restaurant is called Oyster Shooter. Recorded testimonies (showing tasty oysters are being served) are also available in our TikTok account, you may click the following link to see some of the videos: |
FUTUREThe oyster species that is found at the estuary of Muar River and the coastal lines of Kesang has been confirmed is of new species and only found here! Nowhere on earth you can find this type of oyster species. We are proud that we are able to trace their existence back to year 1858 and bring the outcome of the research to the public. The future of this oyster species lies on the following successes: 1)Create awareness on the importance of oyster population. This discovery is hopefully will become an opening eye for various parties to understand the importance of oyster population. It is a crucial component of global ocean health. It can filter and clean the surrounding water and provide habitat for various sea creatures, food, and jobs. In some places, oyster reefs can serve as barriers to storms and tides, preventing erosion and protecting productive estuary waters. Awareness need to be created globally as the shrinkage issues are happening worldwide. We need a good corporate citizen to do its CSR to take this challenge, maybe. 2)To restore oyster population (oyster reef restoration). Oyster population is shrinking all over the world – this is also happening to this specific oyster species. As per J.R. Logan (1858) , Kesang River was recorded as famous for its oysters – maybe it is best to start this program here. 3)Promote hatchery as a better alternative. Traditional method of picking oysters by diving into the river during low tides is very risky since this activity is subject to fatal jelly fish. Moreover, current oyster population trend is at an alarming rate of its extinction. Efforts must be made immediately to ensure oyster supply is sufficient by producing oyster seeds in laboratory. Hatchery is more sustainable solution compared to traditional method – thanks to University Putra Malaysia for spearheading this activity. The success of this research will definitely make oyster a new source of income for Malaysians. As such, we are offering strategic collaborations to all government and public sectors to make this dream come true. |